37 Mechanic Street #200, Worcester, Massachusetts 01608

Category Archives: Foreclosure

Category Archives: Foreclosure

What are the legal steps that a mortgage lender has to satisfy in order to properly foreclose on my home in Massachusetts?

Initially, one must understand that Massachusetts is one of the states that allows a mortgage lender to avoid filing suit in court to obtain approval to foreclose, etc.  For this reason, Massachusetts is known as a “non-judicial foreclosure” state. Mortgage lenders in Massachusetts almost always have what is known as the “power of sale” in […]

Right to cure foreclosure defense under M.G.L. chapter 244 section 35A in Massachusetts, an update.

23 March 2014             A significant and potent weapon in the arsenal of foreclosure defense litigants and attorneys was curtailed greatly earlier this month by the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts with its decision U.S. Bank, N.A. v. Schumacher.  The question was whether Mass. Gen. Laws c. 244 § 35A was one of the statutes […]